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Tuesday, January 17, 2017

How to make Dodo Ikire

Hello there, i decided today to feature one of the recipes we will be making at the cookery club tomorrow using black spotted plantain. Please check earlier post to read up on the benefits of eating Plantain, both ripe,unripe and black spotted.

To make 20 balls, you'll need;

3 large plantain with black skin.

3 teaspoons crushed cayenne pepper.

salt to taste 

oil, for deep-fat frying (a mixture of 1/3 palm oil and 2/3 vegetable oil) or you might just decide to use vegetable oil alone like i did in the picture above.


1. Heat the oil until hot but not smoking (about 350ºF).

2. Cut the plantains into coarse dice.

3. Mix in the cayenne and salt and form into small balls.

4. Flatten the balls slightly or roll them in a ball and place them in the hot oil.

5. Lower the heat slightly and cook the plantain balls until they are browned.

6. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels.

7. Serve warm.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Benefits of eating Plantain!

Hello and welcome to another awesome and fruitful journey in this new year 2017, trust y'all had a wonderful and relaxing time during the holidays no doubt throwing caution to the winds eating all you want, never mind I'm guilty of that as well, there is just something about the festive season that makes you want to indulge yourself, sort of a pat on your back.
So I run a cookery club and decided to try something new and exciting in my club this term, I decided to take a a particular food item and use it in cooking different recipe, to start I choose plantain which is in season right now where I live in Nigeria and to my amazement I was thrilled to discover an endless list of mouthwatering delicacies cooked in so many ways. That makes me curious to know why this vegetable is so popular, this is what I discovered:

  • Plantains must be cooked before they are eaten. They are used as a starchy vegetable when green and as a sweet side dish or dessert when ripe (the skin turns black). They are a staple in Asia, Africa, India, the Caribbean and Central and South America.
  • Plantain is low in carbohydrates and high in potassium, vitamins A,B6 and C which helps in better vision, better skin complexion, builds immunity against disease and free radicals.
  • Its a very good food to aid weight loss as it is high in fibre content.
  • It helps in bowel movement.
  • its presence of Vitamin B6 can cure inflammation of the nerve and anaemia.
  •  Unripe plantain is low in sugar thus making it an ideal meal for diabetic.
  • It is also rich in calcium which is an essential mineral needed for stronger bones, muscles, nail and teeth.
It can be cooked, baked, fried and steamed. I'm so looking forward to having an adventurous time in the club this term, cant wait to start cooking. See you next time i come your way, keep on eating healthily!