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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Okro and bitter leaf soup

This soup is my favorites any time and day, not only because it taste so delicious but also for its health benefit that cannot be quantify. It s budget friendly and  an ideal soup to cook in a jiffy within 10mins, its ready and great together with any swallows of your choice e.g sermovita, wheat meal, pounded yam just to mention a few.
Okro  is rich in vitamins, fats and oil and dietary fiber. Foods rich in dietary fiber have been shown in scientific studies to prevent colon cancer while bitter leaf have great nutritional, herbal and medicinal value.
It is contains very high amount of zinc, important in many enzyme function and keeping the skin fresh.
As a general guide, washing your leaf very well and by so doing, you remove saponins to concentrations that are okay for the body to handle.
They also contains saponins and tannins (glycosides), as well as alkaloids. At least 13 other new compounds or vital ingredients have been found in these leaves, after a 40 years study, and have the following benefits:
• Ant-i malaria
• Anti-bacteria
• Anti-parasites
• Anti-cancer.
It is also effective in preventing indigestion, scurvy, sciatica, and rheumatism.


  1. Wow!
    I had no idea okro had so many health benefits. I'll be cooking it more, thanks to you :)

  2. uw Gbemi, will be posting more soups with their health benefits
