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Saturday, July 7, 2012


Nigeria  no doubt have a rich and versatile food culture that is tasty and at the same time nutritious. As a first time visitor,your visit will not be complete if you have not tasted this dish that is made out of ripe plantain. It can be eaten on it's own or with fish in tomato and onion sauce. It can also be made with unripe plantain for diabetic patient or with fresh corn to be enjoyed by the whole family.
Plantain which is the main ingredient in this recipe is a rich source of potassium which  helps to regulate the body's fluid levels, not only that but it also has a great part in regulating the blood pressure. It  helps to keep the heart thumping steadily, regularly and is also essential to the nervous system. Potassium works to promote the proper functioning of the tissue that makes up the nervous system, serves to enhance muscle control plus the growth and health of cells particularly through its importance in waste product removal. This mineral is also vital to the kidneys in their waste removal tasks while playing an important role to mental function as well as to physical processes. It helps to promote efficient cognitive functioning by getting oxygen to the brain.
This rich produce is easily source from your local market and is very cheap when in season (Dec through to March) but you can also see it to buy all year round.

To make this recipe you need the following; 
plantain (ripe or unripe as u want)
fresh pepper
Fresh leave or can
Palm oil
 crayfish or shredded dry fish

Method: Peel and cut plantain into chunks and blend to a smooth consistency, add a cup of plantain flour, stir and add the blended pepper and onion, add the crayfish,dry fish, knorr cubes,and a cooking spoonful of palm oil. Stir and taste for salt, scoop into washed leaves or cup, arrange on a rack immerse in water and cook for 30 min. Insert a toothpick,when it comes out clean,its ready.
Serve with fish in shredded sauce and enjoy your meal.

fresh food...healthy living!   


  1. Hello, thanks for posting this recipe.

    I would like to ask you to please remove my photograph as you used it
    1. without asking my permission
    2. without attributing it to me

    This is a violation of my intellectual property.

    Many thanks

  2. Hello, thanks for stopping by to read my blog, a thousand apologizes for my oversight, can you pls post your link so that i can make the necessary adjustment that you mentioned however if you still insist it will not be a problem removing the picture.

  3. Please link to the post on my blog - search for the steamed plantain pudding on Thanks

  4. Picture for this dish was gotten with permission from
