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Monday, January 13, 2014

Christmas menu

We are fast approaching the time of the year that we look forward to,the holiday season, the christmas season to be precise, the time that we cook as if our whole life depends on it. It is the opportunity of having new clothes, new shoes, new hairdo and eat what otherwise we would have denied ourselves.
I've often wondered why we indulge ourselves durind this season,this is the only time that the limit is kept off lid as far as having a good time is concerned, it's as if we must pay ourselves for sacrifices made in the course of the year and what better way to do this than to satisfy the cravings,some people take this task seriously that long before the d-day, they started storing up on different kinds of foods and goodies; taking prominent place is the chicken,goat and of course the inevitable rice; others ice-cream,sweets,cakes,juice, you name it but then a word of caution, as much as this is allowed, we must ensure that our menu is well balanced and carefully planned in other to give ourselves not only a treat but a nutrition ones as well.
When i was young, mum will allow us to eat as much rice as we want even if it means eating it three times a day but the result is sleeping in the toilet all through the night as we stool frequently, this made me determine to avoid the same mistake with my family.
A suggested menu for christmas can include the following:
Breakfast: Moi-moi elemi meje (a special type of bean cake stuffed with eggs, fish, prawn)
                served with custard ,oats or pap.
              *Fried potatoes, bake beans & boiled eggs.
              *Fried plaintain/yam with fish or vegetable stew
              *Bread, butter, sausages, omelette and beverage.
Lunch:  Fried rice or white rice with chicken stew and coleslaw
          * Pounded yam served with okra soup with lots of dry fish and prawn
          * Sermovita with banga soup or vegetable soup
Dinner: * Noodles or pasta served with shredded beef in vegetable sauce
          * Boiled sweet potatoes with fried eggs 
You can also preapare snacks like yam balls, banana fritters,scotch egg and also make fruit drinks like watermelon and pineapple juice, lemonade and orange juice. This way you can ensure that that your  family have a  balanced meal.
For those on diet,all you need is a small portion and grilled food in place of frying, have chicken and salad, fish or potato salad, the list is endless. So what are you waiting for, start planning for your christmas menu, remember too much of everything is bad, the trick is to have good food dressed up as treats.
Enjoy yourself, happy holiday.

Garlic : Helping your health

Garlic was used during registered background for therapeutic and also culinary purposes. Garlic cloves has germanium within it. Germanium can be an anti-cancer realtor, as well as garlic herb has much more of this compared to every other herb. 
Inside diagnostic tests, rodents given garlic clove showed simply no most cancers advancement, although mice that just weren't given garlic cloves demonstrated at least some.

 1. Garlic has been shown to slow down tumor rise in man topics in some parts of the globe. 
2. Another benefit of garlic is it helps control the body's blood pressure levels. Consequently regardless of whether you have issues with minimal or high blood pressure, garlic clove will help equalize  it.
3. Garlic help improve your own body's protection towards allergic reactions; help loosen oral plaque buildup from your artery wall space; regulate your own glucose levels; and is also a good choice for harming and also expelling organisms including green worms from your body system.

If theres a spice that provides the most health benefits for the human body since time immemorial, nothing comes close to allium sativum or most commonly known in the kitchen as garlic. 
If theres a long list of dishes that garlic helps in making more palatable, there is also the same long list for diseases that garlic helps prevent or treat. No wonder that it is considered to be one of the most versatile spices in the kitchen and most importantly, the healthiest spice of all times.